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CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery/Deployment. It is a set of practices that help developers automate the process of building, testing, and distributing applications to end-users (such as app stores for mobile apps).

Having a good CI/CD process in place is crucial for any project, as it helps you save time and effort, as well as ensuring that you are delivering a high-quality product to your users. It helps avoid common mistakes and bugs, reduces your time to market, and allows for faster updates to your users.

As most of our projects are hosted on GitHub, we use GitHub Actions and Expo EAS as our CI/CD solution. The starter kit comes with over 10 GitHub Actions workflows:

  • .github/workflows/lint-ts.yml: On PR and new commits on the master branch, run linting and formatting checks.
  • .github/workflows/test.yml: On PR and new commits on the master branch, run unit tests.
  • .github/workflows/type-check.yml: On PR and new commits on the master branch, run type checking.
  • .github/workflows/compress-images.yml: On new commits to the master branch, when adding images, open a pull request (PR) with the compressed images.
  • .github/workflows/expo-doctor.yml: On PR and new commits to the master branch, check whether dependencies are aligned with the Expo SDK version.
  • .github/workflows/new-app-version.yml: A workflow to manually trigger and update the app version, and publish a tag.

You can check the full list of workflows here

Pushing the new release to the stores is a weekly process for our team. To make it easier, we have created a simple process using GitHub Actions and Expo EAS. You can check the full guide here.