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Frequently asked questions

This page is a collection of frequently asked questions about the React Native / Expo Starter.

Is this starter for me?

Yes 😀

This starter kit is designed to benefit a wide range of React Native developers, from beginners to experienced professionals. Here’s why it might be a good fit for you:

  1. For beginners: It provides a solid foundation with best practices and common solutions, helping you learn industry-standard approaches to React Native development.

  2. For experienced developers: It offers a well-structured, production-ready setup that can save you time and effort in project initialization and configuration.

  3. For teams: It ensures consistency across projects and team members, making it easier to onboard new developers and maintain code quality.

  4. For explorers: Even if you prefer not to use starter kits, this project can serve as a valuable reference. You can explore the codebase, documentation, and architectural decisions to gain insights and potentially adopt specific solutions for your own projects.

  5. For learners: The starter kit incorporates up-to-date libraries and patterns, offering an opportunity to familiarize yourself with current best practices in the React Native ecosystem.

  6. For AI-assisted development: This starter kit works well with AI coding tools. It provides a solid structure and best practices that can guide AI-generated code. This helps ensure that AI assistance leads to high-quality, maintainable code that fits well within your project.

Remember, you don’t have to use the entire starter kit as-is. Feel free to cherry-pick ideas, configurations, or code snippets that align with your project needs. Whether you’re building a new app from scratch or looking to improve your existing development process, this starter kit can provide valuable insights and practical solutions.

Why Expo and not React Native CLI?

We have been using Expo as our main framework since the introduction of Continuous Native Generation (CNG) concept and we are happy with the experience.

I think this question is not valid anymore specially after the last React conference when the core react native team recommended using Expo for new projects.

“As of today, the only recommended community framework for React Native is Expo. Folks at Expo have been investing in the React Native ecosystem since the early days of React Native and as of today, we believe the developer experience offered by Expo is best in class.” React native core team

Still hesitating? Check out this article or this video, maybe this one video too.

How is behind the starter kit?

This starter kit is maintained by the Obytes mobile tribe team since 2021. We actively use it for our internal projects and are excited to share it with the amazing React Native / Expo community. The project is open-source, released under the MIT license, ensuring flexibility for users. Our commitment to this starter kit is ongoing; we will continue to maintain and improve it as long as it remains a core part of our internal development process. We welcome contributions and feedback from the community to help make this starter kit even better.

Can you include X feature or library?

We aim to keep the starter as simple and straightforward as possible. Based on our experience, we believe the current setup provides a solid foundation for most projects.

The starter is opinionated, reflecting our best practices. If you disagree with some of our choices, that’s perfectly fine. The starter is designed to be easily customizable to suit your specific needs.

We often receive requests to provide multiple choices for libraries and tools through a CLI. While this may seem appealing, it would significantly increase complexity and maintenance overhead, which we are trying to avoid.