Forms are a common feature of any application. In this section, we will show you how you can handle form the right way with the starter.
The starter uses react-hook-form to handle forms. It is a popular library that provides a lot of features out of the box. It is also very easy to use and integrate with React Native.
Make sure to check the react-hook-form documentation to learn more about how to use it.
As we mention in the components section of the documentation here, we create a set of controlled components that are only used with react-hook-form. The starter only provides two components: ControlledInput
and ControlledSelect
but you can easily create other components using the same approach.
Here is the complete code of our ControlledInput
when we use useController
hook from react-hook-form to handle form state and validation rules:
import * as React from 'react';import type { Control, FieldValues, Path, RegisterOptions,} from 'react-hook-form';import { useController } from 'react-hook-form';import type { TextInputProps } from 'react-native';import { I18nManager, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';import { TextInput as NTextInput } from 'react-native';import { tv } from 'tailwind-variants';
import colors from './colors';import { Text } from './text';
const inputTv = tv({ slots: { container: 'mb-2', label: 'text-grey-100 mb-1 text-lg dark:text-neutral-100', input: 'mt-0 rounded-xl border-[0.5px] border-neutral-300 bg-neutral-100 px-4 py-3 font-inter text-base font-medium leading-5 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:bg-neutral-800 dark:text-white', },
variants: { focused: { true: { input: 'border-neutral-400 dark:border-neutral-300', }, }, error: { true: { input: 'border-danger-600', label: 'text-danger-600 dark:text-danger-600', }, }, disabled: { true: { input: 'bg-neutral-200', }, }, }, defaultVariants: { focused: false, error: false, disabled: false, },});
export interface NInputProps extends TextInputProps { label?: string; disabled?: boolean; error?: string;}
type TRule<T extends FieldValues> = | Omit< RegisterOptions<T>, 'disabled' | 'valueAsNumber' | 'valueAsDate' | 'setValueAs' > | undefined;
export type RuleType<T extends FieldValues> = { [name in keyof T]: TRule<T> };export type InputControllerType<T extends FieldValues> = { name: Path<T>; control: Control<T>; rules?: RuleType<T>;};
interface ControlledInputProps<T extends FieldValues> extends NInputProps, InputControllerType<T> {}
export const Input = React.forwardRef<NTextInput, NInputProps>((props, ref) => { const { label, error, testID, ...inputProps } = props; const [isFocussed, setIsFocussed] = React.useState(false); const onBlur = React.useCallback(() => setIsFocussed(false), []); const onFocus = React.useCallback(() => setIsFocussed(true), []);
const styles = React.useMemo( () => inputTv({ error: Boolean(error), focused: isFocussed, disabled: Boolean(props.disabled), }), [error, isFocussed, props.disabled] );
return ( <View className={styles.container()}> {label && ( <Text testID={testID ? `${testID}-label` : undefined} className={styles.label()} > {label} </Text> )} <NTextInput testID={testID} ref={ref} placeholderTextColor={colors.neutral[400]} className={styles.input()} onBlur={onBlur} onFocus={onFocus} {...inputProps} style={StyleSheet.flatten([ { writingDirection: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr' }, { textAlign: I18nManager.isRTL ? 'right' : 'left' },, ])} /> {error && ( <Text testID={testID ? `${testID}-error` : undefined} className="text-sm text-danger-400 dark:text-danger-600" > {error} </Text> )} </View> );});
// only used with react-hook-formexport function ControlledInput<T extends FieldValues>( props: ControlledInputProps<T>) { const { name, control, rules, ...inputProps } = props;
const { field, fieldState } = useController({ control, name, rules }); return ( <Input ref={field.ref} autoCapitalize="none" onChangeText={field.onChange} value={(field.value as string) || ''} {...inputProps} error={fieldState.error?.message} /> );}
If you want to create your own controlled component, you just need to make sure your component props type extends from InputControllerType
the same way we are using it with ControlledInput
Here is another example of a Select input we create using the same approach as ControlledInput
/* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */import { BottomSheetFlatList, type BottomSheetModal,} from '@gorhom/bottom-sheet';import { FlashList } from '@shopify/flash-list';import { useColorScheme } from 'nativewind';import * as React from 'react';import type { FieldValues } from 'react-hook-form';import { useController } from 'react-hook-form';import { Platform, View } from 'react-native';import { Pressable, type PressableProps } from 'react-native';import type { SvgProps } from 'react-native-svg';import Svg, { Path } from 'react-native-svg';import { tv } from 'tailwind-variants';
import colors from '@/components/ui/colors';import { CaretDown } from '@/components/ui/icons';
import type { InputControllerType } from './input';import { useModal } from './modal';import { Modal } from './modal';import { Text } from './text';
const selectTv = tv({ slots: { container: 'mb-4', label: 'text-grey-100 mb-1 text-lg dark:text-neutral-100', input: 'border-grey-50 mt-0 flex-row items-center justify-center rounded-xl border-[0.5px] p-3 dark:border-neutral-500 dark:bg-neutral-800', inputValue: 'dark:text-neutral-100', },
variants: { focused: { true: { input: 'border-neutral-600', }, }, error: { true: { input: 'border-danger-600', label: 'text-danger-600 dark:text-danger-600', inputValue: 'text-danger-600', }, }, disabled: { true: { input: 'bg-neutral-200', }, }, }, defaultVariants: { error: false, disabled: false, },});
const List = Platform.OS === 'web' ? FlashList : BottomSheetFlatList;
export type OptionType = { label: string; value: string | number };
type OptionsProps = { options: OptionType[]; onSelect: (option: OptionType) => void; value?: string | number; testID?: string;};
function keyExtractor(item: OptionType) { return `select-item-${item.value}`;}
export const Options = React.forwardRef<BottomSheetModal, OptionsProps>( ({ options, onSelect, value, testID }, ref) => { const height = options.length * 70 + 100; const snapPoints = React.useMemo(() => [height], [height]); const { colorScheme } = useColorScheme(); const isDark = colorScheme === 'dark';
const renderSelectItem = React.useCallback( ({ item }: { item: OptionType }) => ( <Option key={`select-item-${item.value}`} label={item.label} selected={value === item.value} onPress={() => onSelect(item)} testID={testID ? `${testID}-item-${item.value}` : undefined} /> ), [onSelect, value, testID] );
return ( <Modal ref={ref} index={0} snapPoints={snapPoints} backgroundStyle={{ backgroundColor: isDark ? colors.neutral[800] : colors.white, }} > <List data={options} keyExtractor={keyExtractor} renderItem={renderSelectItem} testID={testID ? `${testID}-modal` : undefined} estimatedItemSize={52} /> </Modal> ); });
const Option = React.memo( ({ label, selected = false, ...props }: PressableProps & { selected?: boolean; label: string; }) => { return ( <Pressable className="flex-row items-center border-b border-neutral-300 bg-white px-3 py-2 dark:border-neutral-700 dark:bg-neutral-800" {...props} > <Text className="flex-1 dark:text-neutral-100 ">{label}</Text> {selected && <Check />} </Pressable> ); });
export interface SelectProps { value?: string | number; label?: string; disabled?: boolean; error?: string; options?: OptionType[]; onSelect?: (value: string | number) => void; placeholder?: string; testID?: string;}interface ControlledSelectProps<T extends FieldValues> extends SelectProps, InputControllerType<T> {}
export const Select = (props: SelectProps) => { const { label, value, error, options = [], placeholder = 'select...', disabled = false, onSelect, testID, } = props; const modal = useModal();
const onSelectOption = React.useCallback( (option: OptionType) => { onSelect?.(option.value); modal.dismiss(); }, [modal, onSelect] );
const styles = React.useMemo( () => selectTv({ error: Boolean(error), disabled, }), [error, disabled] );
const textValue = React.useMemo( () => value !== undefined ? (options?.filter((t) => t.value === value)?.[0]?.label ?? placeholder) : placeholder, [value, options, placeholder] );
return ( <> <View className={styles.container()}> {label && ( <Text testID={testID ? `${testID}-label` : undefined} className={styles.label()} > {label} </Text> )} <Pressable className={styles.input()} disabled={disabled} onPress={modal.present} testID={testID ? `${testID}-trigger` : undefined} > <View className="flex-1"> <Text className={styles.inputValue()}>{textValue}</Text> </View> <CaretDown /> </Pressable> {error && ( <Text testID={`${testID}-error`} className="text-sm text-danger-300 dark:text-danger-600" > {error} </Text> )} </View> <Options testID={testID} ref={modal.ref} options={options} onSelect={onSelectOption} /> </> );};
// only used with react-hook-formexport function ControlledSelect<T extends FieldValues>( props: ControlledSelectProps<T>) { const { name, control, rules, onSelect: onNSelect, ...selectProps } = props;
const { field, fieldState } = useController({ control, name, rules }); const onSelect = React.useCallback( (value: string | number) => { field.onChange(value); onNSelect?.(value); }, [field, onNSelect] ); return ( <Select onSelect={onSelect} value={field.value} error={fieldState.error?.message} {...selectProps} /> );}
const Check = ({ ...props }: SvgProps) => ( <Svg width={25} height={24} fill="none" viewBox="0 0 25 24" {...props} className="stroke-black dark:stroke-white" > <Path d="m20.256 6.75-10.5 10.5L4.506 12" strokeWidth={2.438} strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" /> </Svg>);
Use Case
Let’s say you want to create a form that allows the user to log in to the application. You will need to create a screen that contains the form with email and password fields, as well as a submit button. The form will need to be validated, and the data will need to be sent to the backend. Here’s how you can do it:
**Step 1: Create your schema validation **
The right way to validate a form is to create a schema validation. You can use any library you want but we recommend using zod as you can easily infer the types from the schema. Here is how you can create a schema validation for the login form:
import * as z from 'zod';
const schema = z.object({ email: z.string().email(), password: z.string().min(6),});
type FormType = z.infer<typeof schema>;
Step 2: Create your form component
Now that you have your schema validation, you can easily create your login screen using react-hook-form and the controlled components we already have. Here is how you can create your login screen:
import { zodResolver } from '@hookform/resolvers/zod';import React from 'react';import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';import * as z from 'zod';
import { useAuth } from '@/lib';import { Button, ControlledInput, View } from '@/components/ui';
const schema = z.object({ email: z.string().email(), password: z.string().min(6),});
type FormType = z.infer<typeof schema>;
export const Login = () => { const { signIn } = useAuth();
const { handleSubmit, control } = useForm<FormType>({ resolver: zodResolver(schema), });
const onSubmit = (data: FormType) => { console.log(data); signIn({ access: 'access-token', refresh: 'refresh-token' }); }; return ( <View className="flex-1 justify-center p-4"> <ControlledInput control={control} name="email" label="Email" /> <ControlledInput control={control} name="password" label="Password" placeholder="***" secureTextEntry={true} /> <Button label="Login" onPress={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} variant="primary" /> </View> );};
Done ! You have created a form with validation and typescript support.
Handling Keyboard
The template comes with react-native-keyboard-controller
pre-installed and configured to handle the keyboard. You only need to check the documentation and use the appropriate approach for your use case. ( note that we already added the KeyboardProvider
to the layout in the root file)
Make sure to check the following video for more details on how to handle keyboard in react native: